Here’s what I’d do if I was running your business…

Last Friday, my son and I hopped on Zoom for our mid-year check-in.

As I started discussing all the things I had planned for the second half of the year, I started feeling completely overwhelmed.

And not excited.

And seriously burned out.

And after having a mini-meltdown and getting all the things I’ve been thinking and feeling off my chest, my son said…

"Want to know what I'd do if I was running your business?"

I perked up. "Of course!"

“Look, I would go all in on ONE thing. You're feeling overwhelmed because you're trying to do too much.

“Here's the thing: I know you love your current clients. You're always telling me about their wins with the biggest smile. So if it was my business, I would focus on finding more coaches like them who are just as committed to being successful. Forget creating more courses for now. Just focus on coaching awesome clients."

And as soon as he said it, it was like a weight lifted.

I didn't need to do all the things.

I didn't need to stick to my plan of launching something new every month and creating a bunch of new workshops.

Let me tell you, I felt such a sense of relief and joy.

See, while I love creating courses and teaching workshops…

My favorite part of my business is working one-on-one with women who want to turn their lifetime of experience into a successful coaching practice.

And there's no one version of success. Sometimes success is a six-figure business. Sometimes it’s replacing your current income. And sometimes it’s a small part-time practice to supplement whatever else you’re doing.

And so after that conversation with my son I took some time to really think about what that could look like.

“How could I set up my coaching program so that my clients get their most desired result as fast as possible?”

(this is a great question to continuously ask yourself as a coach)

And the answer was pretty simple.

In a year or less, I can take coaches from building the rock-solid foundations they need to be successful, all the way to to mastering what I call the "connect, convert, and coach loop."

With the goal, of course, that they have their ideal number of clients and a solid system in place to attract new clients.

And how to do it all so it soon feels like second nature. Because they're using their unique strengths and genius.

If you're interested, it all starts with a Coach Action Plan — a private 90-minute call with me where you get personalized guidance on what you should be focusing on in your business right now.

And at the end of the call, if we feel it’s a good fit, we can talk about what it would look like to continue working together to help you grow your business.

Click here to book your Coach Action Plan now

With love & joy,

Whenever you're ready, here are 3 additional ways I can help you:

  • Coach.Convert.Connect. System Cheatsheet (and bonus training). Download the cheatsheet for the unique step-by-step implementation program that teaches coaches, consultants, and experts how to build six-figure businesses without spending countless hours on ineffective marketing strategies, a ton of money on expensive and generalized courses, or neglecting their personal lives.
  • The Coach Action Plan. In this 90-minute call, you'll get my personal guidance to uncover what your best next steps are in your business. You'll come away with a customized action plan for the next 90 days so you have the confidence and clarity to make massive traction in your business, guaranteed.
  • Coaching with Me Personally. I use my proprietary Coach.Convert.Connect System to guide you in one-to-one coaching designed to help you grow a six-figure business in less than a year. You'll get fantastic support from me personally and access to all the training and resources you need to grow a thriving coaching business. Schedule a call to see if it's a good fit for you.
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